Girl Scout Troop Leader's Dashboard
Calling Girl Scout Leaders! Ever forget where on the Council or Girl Scout website information is located? Or want an easy to read dashboard for your troop with links to your cookie sales, fall sales, uniform links, new member email template, etc? I created and use this Notion template to keep information organized and in one easy to find place!
My favorite thing with this Notion template is that when it comes to parent communication, I just text (or email) a weblink to the current monthly newsletter (free in Notion!). This can include links to Council events,, or any other link you want to include in your newsletter.
Check it out and I hope it helps you as much as it has helped me!
You'll get a digital download with a link for a Notion template. Duplicate the template then edit to fit your needs! Due to the nature of digital products, refunds are not permitted.